Heavy Duty Fiber Laser with:
- Full Covers
- Exchange Table
- Tube Cutting Attachment (Optional 3000mm or 6000mm)
- Auto Focus
- Voltage Regulator
- Screw Type Air Compressor and Air Filters – Optional
In Stock
Heavy Duty Fiber Laser with:
Schnell fiber lasers have been researched and designed in Germany to have the highest level of quality – while still managing to achieve incredibly affordable prices.
Schnell uses the following high-standard components in their lasers ensuring their products are exceptionally reliable:
•Schneider Electronics – French
•Yaskawa Motors – Japanese
•Neugart Reducers – German
•Atlanta Rack & Pinion – German
•Raytool Laser Head – Switzerland
Exchange Table:
Tube Cutting Attachment:
Auto-Focusing Laser Head:
Wireless Controller: